The Threat of Injury in Youth Sports and How Chiropractic Care can Help in Omaha NE

The Threat of Injury in Youth Sports and How Chiropractic Care can Help in Omaha NE

Chiropractic Omaha NE Soccer

Do you have a child that plays a sport? Most families do! In 2013, ESPN called youth sports “so big, no one really knows how big.”

However, the numbers have dropped in recent years. In addition, new reports have been released that 80 percent of youth athletes quit after age 15. Why is that?

Well, there are multiple factors, such as the time commitment and the costs that come with playing. However, another large concern is player burnout and concern over injury in Omaha NE.

Since 2009, 25 percent of parents have considered keeping their kids from playing due to concerns about concussions. In that same time period, participation in youth football fell 18 percent with other contact sports reporting declines as well.

Youth sports have become extremely competitive, and while the fear of injury is present, it isn’t necessarily a reason to pull your kids out of the game. Instead, we recommend knowing the warning signs of severe injuries such as concussions and whiplash and doing preventative chiropractic care to prevent overuse injuries from occurring.

Whiplash versus Concussions in Omaha NE

Whiplash is when you experience sudden impact; the force causes your neck to jerk in a violent motion, damaging tendons and muscles. This can cause inflammation, resulting in tightness and limiting mobility.

Some common symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Headaches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Tingling in the extremities
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Tenderness near and around the neck

Concussions are a much more severe injury when compared to whiplash. Concussions are a form of traumatic brain injury caused by a significant blow to the head. This can result in permanent damage.

Some common symptoms of concussions are:

  • Severe headaches
  • Confusion
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Blackouts

Trying to Reduce Concussions During Sports

In an attempt to reduce concussions among contact sports athletes, we recommend a few guidelines.

  • First, implement concussion protocols. Players suspected of having a concussion should not return to play without approval from a healthcare professional.
  • Second, talk to players about the dangers of concussions. You can work to prevent them together if they are aware of the risks.
  • Third, never use the “win-at-any-costs” mentality. Safety must come first.

Seeking Chiropractic Care for Sports-Related Injuries

If your child has a concussion or is suffering from whiplash, seeking chiropractic care for your child should be a top priority. A chiropractor can evaluate whether or not they have signs of neck injuries and provide relief to neck pain and headaches by realigning your spinal cord.

At Millard Family Chiropractic & Wellness, we also offer low-level laser therapy that can help heal injuries to the brain. Laser therapy can reduce pain and inflammation without side effects, unlike most medications.

In addition, receiving preventative chiropractic care for sports can prevent other types of injuries from happening, such as acute injuries or overuse injuries like tennis elbow. It can also improve performance and benefit growing children in numerous ways outside of sports.

Interested in getting your child in to receive chiropractic care? Millard Family Chiropractic & Wellness can help your child heal from injuries as well as prevent others from happening. Find out more on how we can help your child today.

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Millard Family Chiropractic & Wellness

16831 Lakeside Hills Plaza
Omaha, NE 68130

(402) 934-7557